About label.ml naming, comments, improvements
There are several problems with the module label.ml. These could be reported in several separated issues but are somehow intertwined so i prefer keeping them together.
- The name "label" is poorly chosen, it should be named "conftrolflow" (or simply "flow"), as it is not a representation of the labels of a program but rather a structure used to guide the evaluation through the flow of control.
- This module is central to the evaluator, and complicated, so it deserves to be thoroughly commented. A main comment at the start of the module explaining its main goal could be appreciated.
label end
Should be treated differently than other labels. See next point. - It is unclear what is the main type of the module. What to we compute? AFAIU, we must build a representation of the program, where we store litterals and blocks. I think we should add more structure and make appear also procedures/routines (aka functions) which will be needed anyway at some point, to perform static analysis that are interprocedural A type somewhat like the following is what i have in mind:
type t = {
litterals: string SMap.t;
routines: block SMap.t;
and block = { ... } (* jump_dest? *)
Having a type named t
(along with its printer named print
) makes it already more explicit what we're doing. Preload should return a value of type t
And then you can build a value of type t
by doing more or less:
let build (prog : stmt list) : t =
let rec loop acc ((curname, curbody) as cur) = function
| [] when curbody = [] -> acc
| [] ->
"The routine %s should end with 'label end'. Terminating it.\n"
curname ;
{acc with routines= SMap.add curname (List.rev curbody) acc.routines}
| Litteral (n, str) :: t ->
loop {acc with litterals= SMap.add n str acc.litterals} cur t
| (Label "end" as l) :: t ->
{ acc with
routines= SMap.add curname (preload (List.rev (l :: curbody))) acc.routines
("", []) t
| Label n :: t
when curbody = [] (* this means the label is at top level *) ->
loop acc (n, []) t
| stmt :: t -> loop acc (curname, stmt :: curbody) t
loop {litterals= SMap.empty; routines= SMap.empty} ("", []) prog
That way, the labels end
are not stored, as they are not needed other than for delimiting the different routines.
Disclaimer : i have not tested this code, likely not to compile.
These are only suggestions, feel free to disagree with some (or all) of the points above.