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  • Jean-Sébastien Mouret's avatar
    2002-11-19 Jean-Sbastien Mouret <> · 4fcef399
    Jean-Sébastien Mouret authored
    	* oln/io/se.hh, oln/io/se_window.hxx,
    	oln/io/se_neighborhood.hxx: New files.
    	* oln/basics2d.hh: Include io/se.hh
    	* oln/core/internal/window.hh: Add operator==.
    	* oln/core/neighborhood2d.hh: Make it readable.
    	* oln/core/window2d.hh: Likewise.
    	* oln/io/pnm_write.hxx, oln/io/pnm_read.hxx: Bug fix.
    	Tiny binary images in raw pbm format was not correctly
    	read nor written.
    	* demo/ (main): Add window2d loading example.
    	* img/face_se.pbm : New image.
    	* (EXTRA_DIST): Modify accordingly.
        prcs2git-id: 0_5.88
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