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  • Nicolas Burrus's avatar
    2002-09-14 Nicolas Burrus <> · 5843441f
    Nicolas Burrus authored
    	* oln/types/int_u.hh, oln/types/int_s.hh, oln/types/range.hh,
    	oln/types/cycle.hh, oln/types/typetraits_builtin_int.hh,
    	oln/types/typetraits_builtin_float.hh: Add behaviour_type typedef.
    	* oln/types/optraits_scalar_defs.hh, oln/types/behaviour.hh: Add
    	arithmetic checks.
    	* oln/types/behaviour.hh, oln/types/optraits_int_u.hh,
    	oln/types/optraits_int_s.hh, oln/types/optraits_cycle.hh,
    	oln/types/optraits_range.hh, oln/types/interval.hh,
    	oln/types/optraits_bin.hh: Add debug code.
    	* oln/types/to_oln.hh: Add OLN_TYPE macro.
        prcs2git-id: 0_5.44
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