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  • Reda Dehak's avatar
    2002-11-04 Rda Dehak <> · 818a00d8
    Reda Dehak authored
    	* oln/core/neighborhood1d.hh: Fix add method, neighborhood1d is
    	not centered
    	// Neighborhoods
      	// =============
      	// These objects are like Windows, except they have
      	// some additional properties (a point is not in its neighborhood,
      	// the neighbor of a point should have the point in its neighborhood).
      	// For this reason, they have types distinct from the windows:
      	// neighborhood1d, neighborhood2d, neighborhood3d.
      	// The interface is just the same as the windows.
    	So a neighborhood was a symetric windows widthout the center.
    	Fix neighb_c2() and mk_neighb_segment() : now, the symetric
    	dpoint is automatically added by add method.
    	* oln/core/neighborhood2d.hh: Likewise for add(), neighb_c4(),
    	neighb_c8() and mk_neighb_rectangle() methods.
    	* oln/core/neighborhood3d.hh: Likewise for add(),  neighb_c6(),
    	neighb_c18(), neighb_c26() and mk_neighb_block() methods.
        prcs2git-id: 0_5.72
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