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  • Ugo Jardonnet's avatar
    Icp legacy. algebra:: now contains types vec, mat and quat. · 43aa6cd8
    Ugo Jardonnet authored
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/core/ .
    	* tests/core/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/fun/x2x/ .
    	* tests/fun/x2x/ .
    	* tests/fun/x2x/ .
    	* tests/fun/vv2v/ .
    	* tests/fun/vv2v/ .
    	* tests/fun/v2v/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* tests/norm/ .
    	* tests/norm/ .
    	* tests/norm/ .
    	* tests/ .
    	* mln/trait/ch_value.hh: .
    	* mln/trait/value_.hh: .
    	* mln/core/point.hh: .
    	* mln/core/line_graph_image.hh: .
    	* mln/core/h_vec.hh: .
    	* mln/core/tr_image.hh: .
    	* mln/core/interpolated.hh: .
    	* mln/core/bgraph_image.hh: .
    	* mln/core/trait/op_mult.hh: .
    	* mln/core/graph_image.hh: .
    	* mln/core/h_mat.hh: .
    	* mln/core/dpoint.hh: .
    	* mln/core/plain.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/mat.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/math/pow.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/math/max.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/math/all.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/math/sqrt.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/all.hh: .
    	* mln/metal/vec.hh: .
    	* mln/linear/sobel.hh: .
    	* mln/linear/gaussian.hh: .
    	* mln/value/graylevel.hh: .
    	* mln/value/graylevel_f.hh: .
    	* mln/value/float01_.hh: .
    	* mln/value/quat.hh: Remove.
    	* mln/value/int_s.hh: .
    	* mln/value/int_u.hh: .
    	* mln/value/internal/gray_.hh: .
    	* mln/value/internal/gray_f.hh: .
    	* mln/value/int_u_sat.hh: .
    	* mln/value/stack.hh: .
    	* mln/value/rgb.hh: .
    	* mln/value/label.hh: .
    	* mln/make/vec.hh: .
    	* mln/make/mat.hh: .
    	* mln/make/voronoi.hh: .
    	* mln/geom/seeds2tiling_roundness.hh: .
    	* mln/geom/seeds2tiling.hh: .
    	* mln/fun/x2x/composed.hh: .
    	* mln/fun/x2x/translation.hh: .
    	* mln/fun/x2x/rotation.hh: .
    	* mln/fun/internal/selector.hh: .
    	* mln/algebra/mat.hh: New.
    	* mln/algebra/quat.hh: New.
    	* mln/norm/linfty.hh: .
    	* mln/norm/l1.hh: .
    	* mln/norm/l2.hh: .
    	* sandbox/duhamel/ .
    	* sandbox/duhamel/labeling_algo.hh: .
    	* sandbox/duhamel/mesh_image.hh: .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/test/ New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/test/ .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/test/Makefile: .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/subsampling/gaussian_subsampling.hh: .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/subsampling/sub_sampled_image.hh: .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/TODO: .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/quat7.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/cloud.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/jacobi.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/icp.hh: .
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/projection.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/quat: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/quat/all.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/quat/misc.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/quat/interpol.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/jardonnet/registration/quat/rotation.hh: New.
    	* sandbox/vigouroux/color/my_yuv.hh: .
    	* sandbox/vigouroux/color/my_hsi.hh: .
    	* sandbox/vigouroux/color/my_hsl.hh: .
    	* sandbox/vigouroux/color/my_xyz.hh: .
    	* sandbox/vigouroux/color/my_hsv.hh: .
    	* sandbox/vigouroux/color/my_yiq.hh: .
    	* sandbox/folio/ .
    	* sandbox/garrigues/image_identity/interpolated.hh: .
    	* sandbox/garrigues/image_identity/ .
    git-svn-id: 4aad255d-cdde-0310-9447-f3009e2ae8c0