- Feb 17, 2022
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go, transform/debug.go, transform/unroll_loop.go: Here.
- Feb 16, 2022
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go, transform/waitgroup.go, transform/meta.go: Here.
- Apr 20, 2021
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
Blackbox can now handle global array. * main.go : Here.
If blackbox is set to auto, the blackbox functions are defined with the formula. * main.go, tools/formulae.go : Here.
Go2Pins now accepts a second argument, a formula to run directly modelchecking on it. * main.go : Here.
By calling go2pins with rers, it will automatically detect the RERS input values. * benchs/run-blackbox/test.sh, main.go, tools/rers.go : Here.
In order to make easier the use of blackbox, for a given file, if we pass a formulae file to go2pins, it will automatically set the functions to be blackboxed.
In order to avoid conflict with global variables defined after assigning to it, LocalVariableAssignments has been corrected. * main.go, transform/localvariableassignments.go : Here.
Handling multiple func call as assignments by creating a tmp variables. * main.go, transform/innercall.go : Here.
* main.go : Here.
* main.go, tools/blackbox.go, transform/global.go, transform/postglobal.go : Here.
The blackbox package now import structs only if the blackboxed contains global variables, it was importing it everytime before. * main.go, transform/blackbox.go : Here.
Blackboxed functions are now able to handle global variables, by using G2PState as a reference. * main.go, tools/blackbox.go, transform/checktype.go, transform/global.go, transform/globaltostate.go, transform/localvariableassignments.go, transform/postglobal.go : Here.
For future global variable access via `Blackbox`, all type generated by Go2Pins are now stored in a dedicated package `structs`. All convenient modifications has been done to let Go2Pins in a valid state. * boilerplate/Makefile, boilerplate/main.go, boilerplate/structs/structs.go, decl/decl.go, main.go, tools/blackbox.go, transform/meta.go : Here.
Global var can be placed in all the file and not necessarily before its actual using. So it is now detected before applying the transform. * main.go, transform/global.go, transform/preglobal.go : Here.
In order to have a cleaner code and a better readibility, code has been refactored and documented. It has been explicit name accordingly on the moment it is summoned. transform/global.go now handle both Getter and Setter configuration. transform/postglobal.go handle injecting Getter and Setter definition in ast. * main.go, transform/global.go, transform/postglobal.go : Here.
* main.go : Here.
For a better readibility, better format has been used for formating. * main.go, tools/formating.go : Here.
* main.go : Here.
To avoid trouble during transform, setter are done first, then getter. * main.go, transform/global.go, transform/global2.go, transform/global3.go : Here.
* main.go
For now, only regular assignment was handled. * main.go, transform/global.go, transform/global2.go : Here.
Global are now identified and not mixed with local variables. funcptr are used to set their values. * main.go, tests/global.go, transform/global.go transfrom/global2.go : Here.
Global variables are now modified funcptr, still need to create the functions. * main.go, tests/global.go, transform/global.go : Here.
Setting up basis for the transform. * main.go, transform/global.go : Here.
- Feb 25, 2021
Hugo Moreau authored
* boilerplate/Makefile, main.go, tools/blackbox.go : Here.
- Dec 08, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
Typing "make -C output" is now obsolete * boilerplate/main.go, main.go: Here.
- Nov 20, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go, tools/blackbox.go, tools/callgraph.go, tools/extract_blackboxes/main.go, tools/recursion.go: Here.
- Jul 13, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
- Apr 28, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
* .last-cl-gen, ChangeLog, NEWS.txt, main.go: Here.
- Apr 27, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go, transform/debug.go: Here.
Etienne Renault authored
* Rename transform/arraytreatment.go to transform/desugararray.go: Here.
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
- Jan 29, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go, tests/concurrent_fibonacci.go: Here.
Etienne Renault authored
* main.go: Here.
- Jan 28, 2020
Etienne Renault authored
Note that even if channels are fully supported by the scheduler, some syntax declaration element are not supported * boilerplate/main.go, cspinfo/channel.go, decl/decl.go, main.go, tests/prod_cons_simp.go, transform/afterchannels.go, transform/channels.go, transform/meta.go: Here.