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  • Alexandre Duret-Lutz's avatar
    Remove ltl2tgba_lacim and all supporting classes. · 116fe865
    Alexandre Duret-Lutz authored
    This translator algorithm is seldom used in practice because we work
    with explicit automata everywhere, and this is only useful to build
    symbolic automata.  Furthermore, the symbolic automata produced by this
    algorithm are larger (when looked at explicitly) than those produced by
    ltl2tgba_fm or other explicit translators.
    The nice side effect of this removal is that we can also remove a lot of
    supporting classes, that were relying a lot on BDDs.
    * src/tgba/public.hh, src/tgba/, src/tgba/statebdd.hh,
    src/tgba/, src/tgba/succiterconcrete.hh,
    src/tgba/, src/tgba/tgbabddconcrete.hh,
    src/tgba/, src/tgba/tgbabddconcretefactory.hh,
    src/tgba/, src/tgba/tgbabddconcreteproduct.hh,
    src/tgba/, src/tgba/tgbabddcoredata.hh,
    src/tgba/tgbabddfactory.hh, src/tgbaalgos/,
    src/tgbaalgos/ltl2tgba_lacim.hh, src/tgbatest/bddprod.test,
    src/tgbatest/, src/tgbatest/mixprod.test: Delete all these
    * bench/ltlcounter/, bench/ltlcounter/README,
    bench/ltlcounter/plot.gnu, bench/ltlcounter/run, src/tgba/,
    src/tgbaalgos/, src/tgbatest/,
    src/tgbatest/cycles.test, src/tgbatest/dupexp.test,
    src/tgbatest/emptchk.test, src/tgbatest/,
    src/tgbatest/ltl2tgba.test, src/tgbatest/ltlcross.test,
    src/tgbatest/, src/tgbatest/spotlbtt.test,
    src/tgbatest/wdba.test, src/tgbatest/wdba2.test,
    src/tgba/tgbaexplicit.hh, wrap/python/ajax/ltl2tgba.html,
    wrap/python/ajax/, wrap/python/spot.i,
    wrap/python/tests/, wrap/python/tests/,
    wrap/python/tests/ltl2tgba.test: Adjust.
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