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  • Philipp Schlehuber's avatar
    ltlsynt rewrite · 7d908b93
    Philipp Schlehuber authored and Florian Renkin's avatar Florian Renkin committed
    Introducing the new game interface
    to ltlsynt.
    ltlsynt now also uses direct strategy deduction
    and formula decomposition.
    * bin/ Here
    * spot/twaalgos/
    , spot/twaalgos/aiger.hh: Use strategy_like
    * spot/twaalgos/game.hh: Minor adaption
    * spot/twaalgos/ Use new interface
    * spot/twaalgos/
    , spot/twaalgos/synthesis.hh: Spezialised split
    * tests/core/ltlsynt.test
    , tests/python/games.ipynb: Adapting